According to data from the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, 47 million Americans quit their jobs in 2021. This situation was called “The Great Resignation”.
As a result of the research done and included in the sources, McKinsey, Harvard Business Review, Forbes and MIT Sloan etc. the reasons for the great resignation are mostly;
- Lack of feeling of belongingness to the organization,
- Lack of feeling that they see enough value in the organization,
- Burnout Syndrome experienced by employees,
- To have a toxic organizational culture,
- Inability of employees to establish a full work-life balance,
- Working Women from home during the pandemic process want to spend time with their children,
- Lack of mention of achievements so that there is no mental encouragement and reinforcement,
- Difficulties experienced in adapting to the process of returning to the office, etc.
The fact that many companies, from large to small, are faced with this problem may have revealed an inevitable need for Change and Transformation of something, perhaps employees or the business world and company culture. With the COVID – 19 Pandemic, most people's personal, social and business life underwent a sudden change and had to be adapted quickly. Now, as the effect of the pandemic begins to diminish, we can observe that trying to go back to the rules and structures of the pre-pandemic period loses its function at some point, while the "return to normal" process is started.
- Whether we accept it or not, change is inevitable. Those who can accept and adapt survive and stay in the game. Those who can't keep up are eliminated by natural selection.
When we collect the reasons for quitting the job in the researches under the main headings, three general headings are caught attention; such as feeling of belongingness, common values and organizational culture.We cannot feel comfortable where there is no effective communication, where our needs and our existence as an “individual” are not seen, and we cannot feel a sense of belonging to a place where we cannot feel comfortable
We started to understand how important the "human" phenomenon is in every sense, when it was not enough to keep the employees there even when "increasing the salary and paying extra bonuses".
We started to understand how important the "human" phenomenon is in every sense, when it was not enough to keep the employees there even when "increasing the salary and paying extra bonuses".
So what is your organizational culture like?
How do your communication, values, mental fatigue of your colleagues, your needs and work-life balance affect your life satisfaction? If you are a leader or head of a department, how do you find the status of your team? What kind of actions do you take in this regard?
In today's world, we live in a period where we have to look at the "human" side of the change that is accelerating in business life. It is quite natural for you as an institution to struggle and worry during this transition period. But let's not forget that the work is not finished until every piece of the puzzle is completed...
“We believe that the human, process, structure and technology sides of change and transformation are an inseparable whole.” – RNA Change Management
Continuing to delve a little deeper, Research also states that “recursive and compelling corporate change projects and the risk of being laid off” are among the reasons for resignation (Sull & Sull & Zweig, 2022). In a rapidly changing world, institutions may panic when things do not go well in terms of "market" and decide on "change and cultural transformation", which is not very efficient and non-continuous, even not suitable for the real purpose. However, projects that are not well planned and whose continuity cannot be ensured cannot be permanent, so they can enter into a repetitive cycle. This cycle process can damage the “trust” feelings of employees.
Cultural Transformation is inevitable in the changing world, but; How it is handled and managed is just as important as deciding on the transformation.
Measurable and scalable changes, the desired and current values of both your organization and employees, and Cultural Transformation Projects that are carried out in accordance with the purpose will help you become a long-term and healthier institution in many respects. A healthy organizational culture allows you to eliminate the reasons for resignation and allows you to continue by getting stronger.
As Rna Change Management, we are ready to be your business partner with Cultural Transformation Projects that we measure using Barett Cultural Assessment tools and designed in accordance with ACMP standards.